Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Preposition Songs

Don't forget to sing the two preposition songs Mr. A came up with in order to help learn the list of commonly used prepositions. "About above across after...."

If you would like to make up your OWN song using the prepositions, feel free and we can sing it as a class tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

hello Mrs Scott at this point I forgot what I am commenting about because it took so long to make a Google account.
I also just forgot the password to my Google account . I have a big problem with that.
♥Julia ☼☻☺☻☺☻☺☼☼◘♣

Anonymous said...

The first line of the second song said "outside until past out". I thought that was funny.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Andrew...I think everyone remember those 4 prepositions.