Monday, August 31, 2015

Exploded Moments

An exploded moment looks at life through a microscope, so that you can appreciate all of the fine details of an experience.  Think about a moment from your summer that you can explode, brainstorm, and write about in a detailed paragraph.  We will brainstorm and work on these paragraphs in class.  Once your draft is complete, post your paragraph in the comment section below and sign your name. Be sure to proofread for grammar and spelling.


Anonymous said...

I feel the sudden jerk of the beast as it makes its journey to the great hill awaiting us in the crimson twilight. Inside the cart, I smell the pungent aroma of steamy rubber and sticky plastic as we climb the magnificent tower. In my mouth, I detect the faint, salty
residue of 30-minute-old popcorn. I feel the wind shrieking through my wet mane. Inside, I can only feel pure excitement and the sense that everything is spinning without control. With every waking second, the cart grows nearer and nearer to the climax of our ascension. My sweaty hands close tighter around the icy metal columns to my left and
right. Inside I am screaming, but outside, I am a safe shut tight.
(Former 7th grade THMS student)

Anonymous said...

I ran my fingers along the smooth, cold surface of the water. All around me, children were splashing and giggling, in their own little worlds, but I wasn't. I was right here, waist deep in the chilly water of Hickory Hills Lake, calmly staring out at the distant
islands. I set my eyes on the horizon, as the setting sun pulled the light blue sky into its arms, slowly turning it from a harmless pink, to bold, beautiful gold, then to dark navy blue, until the bright orange orb of light was swallowed behind pine trees. As
darkness started to crawl out of its hiding place on the opposite side of the sky, the children and their families started to slowly pack up, and leave the beach, leaving me as a the only being left. I knew, if I wanted to swim, I should do so before night fell. I cautiously spread my arms out, as if I was about to take flight, and then my knees buckled, and I fell backwards, and was engulfed in cold water.
(Former 7th grade THMS student)

Anonymous said...

Rolling, my mind escapes my body. Tumbling, my body feels uncontrollable; As if it were stuck in a wave's boisterous riptide, clapping for the sand as if it just won a medal. As my fragile limbs plunge down the grass covered hill, memories spin and dance in my head. As the adrenaline builds, small green wisps briskly graze my blistering sun cheeks. Candied cinnamon dirt races into my mouth like a little girl racing into her father's spacious, safe arms. As my body lags, the rolling becomes more forceful. The wooden drum pounds an enchanting yet ferocious medley in my chest.

Anonymous said...

The bus comes to a stop with a loud screech. The driver calls captain Jim onto the bus, The stairs make a clash when captain pulls them up. The captain sits in the drivers seat, the windshield goes up. I have my elbow halfway out the opening on the side of the bus, the metal is hot from being in the sun all day. My other hand was clinching my seat backrest like the claw in a claw arcade game. The George Washington Bridge was beside me standing tall like a pro basketball player shooting hoops. All I could smell was dead fish. The bus starts to roll forward onto the ramp. We fly right into the Delaware River with a big splash! We were safely in the Delaware River.

-Drew T

Anonymous said...

Floating. Ascending down to the surface, which is full of giant jungle of trees and bushes. The crisp, fresh air is blowing through the my long golden hair. Everything below seems like a blur of green, brown and grey, with less intricate detail than if you're looking at it from the ground. Excitement flows through the veins. I am an elegant bird, sweeping over the sky, looking for my prey. The suns light, soft and delicate, shines down on my skin. The harness around my chest feels like a safe, warm hug, that above me holds the material that keeps me afloat in the sea of light, carefree blue. When I return to the ground, I know I'll remember this experience, and the memory will always be bold in my mind forever.

-Sarah Tanny

Anonymous said...

I stand motionless on the wooden bridge looking down into the dark pit of water below me! It looks like it might just swallow me down into its depths. I cannot see the rocks at this time, but I know that the sharp Devils are down waiting to cut me like teeth on a shark. I stand seemingly petrified for I could die if I messed up. The sand below on the wood is like a soft powder on my feet. I imagine myself descending into the depths of the water below. The smell of salt fills the air. I used to feel so safe around water now it looks like a roaring devilish beast waiting to eat me whole!
- Tristan Shapiro

Anonymous said...

I woke up with stale and drying sweat all over my body. Every muscle in my body felt on fire. I sat up and leaned on a large rock behind me. I looked around and saw a rippling sea of shining glass and a long forgotten beach. A half hour went by and nothing happened. This silent buzz in my head was almost painful like tiny nettles poking my eardrums. I stood up and saw a nearly makeshift table with a crude note on it.

Cole Bishop

Anonymous said...

"Will look OUT!" I heard Tim screech excitedly....
I turned and saw the the tremendous blue wall swiftly sliding towards me so insanely fast that i had no time to brace for the wave to slam violently into my fragile and unready body. The wave was a lion roaring at the top of it's lungs. I was taken under by the liquidy salty hands ravenously grabbing my arms and shoulders and pulling me backwards into a dark abyss of churning black water.
I felt my head hit the hard sand. Swirling tendrils of wet sand spiraled around me. I gasped for breath and instead I got a mouthful of salty and sandy water. I choked as I tumbled. When I finally found my footing I blasted out of the water.
"Dude that wave hit me like a sumo wrestler! I lost control of my body for like, 5 seconds," I said drifting outwards, just like the stars in my vision.
-Will Peplowski

Anonymous said...

Damp, cushioney sand fills the crevices of my ticklish toes. The brisk sea surrounds me, embracing me in a hug. Now immersed in salty tears, I wait. Waves twirl, and spin by me, now a thing of the past. I wait. I look around at all the petite children, splashing, and laughing at one another. Then, something catches my eye. A wall of aqua cautiously approaching. I pull my board close and press it against my stomach. My body begins to lift. I kick, pushing myself away. Finally I am flying, rolling along the wave. Salt sprays into my mouth. All thoughts blow from my mind, carried with the breeze. Wind whistles in my ears. Time freezes and I am just gliding along with the sea, feeling a sense of tranquility, and calm. Finally I jolt foreword, the shore has called me home, and I am anchored in the sand.

-Julia Wilson

Anonymous said...

The steel narrow beam was my plank to stand on. I elevated myself and stood upon the board. I glanced downwards towards the roaring sea. I took one miniature step forward, and before I knew it, I was plunging at great speed towards the salty sea. As my heart began beating rapidly, I realized I wasn't only hollering on the inside I was shrieking of excitement on the outside. The sea felt like I was in the Artic ocean, frantically swimming with penguins. Once my head popped up onto the surface I knew at that point in time, that I was going to jump again and again.
By Bridgette

Anonymous said...

I wake up in shivers. I look at my clock with closed eyes as if it was going to tell me the time. Then I open my eyes and see that it is 2:46 AM. I try to go back to bed but when I gently shut my eyes I can still see a faint streak of light entering my room. When I get up and wonder to it and open my shade I am blinded by the early morning light.

Chayton Dance

Anonymous said...

The big Bertha’s Engines are shouting with excitement as we begin to hurtle down the ever lasting runway. Faster and faster the mammoth goes. It as if we were in a rocket getting launched in to space. The first wheel begins to leave the rubber covered asphalt of the last the gravity gives way the last wheels finally lift up. rapidly ascending in to the air above the uncharted Atlantic.

Anonymous said...

The tip of my toe touched the refreshing liquid, and an icy chill ran through my spine. I bounced back and built up some determination to leap into the liquid. My taste buds were screaming, a dreadful taste of chlorine entered my mouth. I was pulled out of the water,lightheaded, coughing up a lot of the liquid, my body was still not satisfied. I could not breath right. It was dreadful!

Anonymous said...

I carefully step up onto the elevated block. As I stretch my cap down over my head, I hear the "snap" of the rubber thumping against my ear drums. This is it. The national Championships. I listen to the roars of the crowd, adrenaline pulsing through my veins. My pair of Nike goggles are so tight around my head, I'm positive I will have permanent marks. I look to my left and review my competition. They're taller, older, and much stronger. It's no doubt they're the cause of my intimidation. I bring my arms to the center of the platform and get ready for he 50 yard sprint. I'm now face to face with the daunting waves of the pool. I can just barely hear the official say "On your mark..". I lean back, only focusing on what's about to happen. 'BANG'. The deafening noise from the gun shot ripples through one ear and bursts out the other. Everything turns to slow motion. My legs thrust my strained body into the humid air and I'm flying. Three feet above the bitter water, and I'm 100% focused. I rapidly duck my head between my arms which are now in a tightly compressed streamline. I feel my entire body fill with the Ivey sensation as I'm submerged into the waves. I'm now a dolphin gliding onto the clear surface. My limbs burst into action, and I'm off blending into the lively water.

-Kate Marinchev

Anonymous said...

As I stood at the the edge of the icey hill my stomach dropped I felt like I was gonna throw up my legs were shaking as i got on my sled I slipped and fell down the Icey peek I felt the gusts of wind hitting my face it felt like a bunch of hail was smashing in to my face as I got closer to the bottom I was so num from all the snow that got in my pants as I reached the bottom I realized my sled was coming right behind me and then it took me right off of my feet and I felt like I was flying until I smashed into the ground and then started on my way home.

-Dawson Powell

Anonymous said...

Swoosh! I saw the roller coaster go by. I was really petrified when I saw the ride go by it was like a jet taking off into the sky. After the coaster came to a stop it was time for me and my dad to get in the roller coaster. When you step in there is no backing out you have to ride it. The guy running the roller coaster said ready,set gooo! Then we were off. The coaster took off like a jet. It was going so fast that I felt that I was in a Nascar race. It took us like 2 minutes to get back to where we got on the roller coaster. When we got off a guy asked me how it was and I said it was AWESOME! It was the best time of my life

-Ryan Miller

Anonymous said...

As I enter the cart I feel excitement build up, and my muscles tense up. The suspense of knowing whats going to happen but not when begins to feel unsettling, even nauseating. Just waiting for the moment that the cart will finally begin the ascent. Staring up at the beautiful blue screen as it begins to slowly lose power as the orange power source begins to creep down out of sight behind the top of the mountain covered by a maze of trees that the cart will soon be navigating me through. I will see the power source one last time before the day ends. Then almost immediately after the cart will return me to the ground, swallowed by darkness with only the faintest traces of light left.

-Sam Paolini

Anonymous said...

The day have come. I woke up and I feel a shiver down me back like a ghost Is breathing on me. I got up ran down the stairs. I was Nevous/puzzle still. I sat on the coach slowly. I stared at the house amzed how the house look. I sat and thought what if we loose the one thing I cared most about. I was scared,surprise,stunned,horrified,terrified. But mostly I was surprised that we were actually doing this. I new everything was going to be okay. I walk back up stairs slowly I listen to the stairs squeak like the was something under them. I took a shower. By this time I was ready. They were here. I walked back down the stairs so quick like a ghost was chasing me!! Hi.... Umm... My.... Name... Is... Taylor. Hi he said. We walk around the house and he took pictures. Finally we walk to the end of the driveway. Here we go. He put the sign right it the yard. It said in bright red words. HOUSE FOR SALE!!! Then he left!! I walk back up the driveway. I sat there surprised!!!
~Taylor gyles

Anonymous said...

The gentle sound of the waves on the warm waters of the beach made a relaxing welcome. I wanted to go in but something was telling me not to. I ignored it and stepped in. The water was great and I was tempted to stay for hours. The same thing that told me not to go in, was telling me to get out. This time I trusted my gut and got out. About five minutes later a thunderstorm came in and zapped the water. Yet again that same feeling told me to go home, and I listened.

-Trey Stevens

Anonymous said...

I was there, but I wasn’t. I was just watching from my own little ghostly like corner. It was almost like I was invisible. Almost dead like. That was when I witnessed a lanky man standing at a podium and I knew that something spectacular was going to happen. Then, what I felt like I had been waiting for my entire life happened. A woman walked down the aisle. As she walked past me, I smelt lavender bathing in the hot sunlight, almost burning. Then that smell rapidly went away. Shortly after, I could hear some murmured words which I couldn’t quite understand from the back of the room. With a quick jolt, they were combined into one and they were married. As they walked out, they heard the clapping of men in suits and women in dresses. Along with that came the smell of flowers, which I immediately knew was a women’s strong perfume. I was then pushed out of the door into the blazing sunlight’s reach, and I knew it was over.

-Troy Drasser

Anonymous said...

Walking up 4 flights of stairs, feeling the tingling pain in my feet and my tight muscles not wanting to move any further. Looking over the edge of the railing my stomach feeling queasy. Water dripping from my hair down my back and and hitting the wooden floor. "Next!" I know that means it's my turn. I sit and try not to look down but I have to, I can see everyones eyes staring right at me I can smell the heavy sent of sunscreen. The boiling sun beating down on me a drip of sweat running down my face like a fearful ant about to be squeezed between the hard ground and a shoe. The sign flips to go, I look at my brother and lay down. I barely pushed off, and I fall, I fall straight down and I feel like I'm never going to stop. I could feel the water on my face like tiny prickers being shot at my face. I open my eyes and it's done. My dad and my cousins staring at me smiling ear to ear. I did it, I can't believe I did it.

- Sofia Firmani

Anonymous said...

We walk in the smell on chocolate fills the air little kids were screaming like they were in a horror movie or like they were hyenas.I place a box on the table and take a slice of cake.Its like they added to much sugar, that was probably why the kids were hyper. A little boy wearing a t-shirt that said peace walked up to me, the boy had long blonde hair that reached down to his chest. The boy's face had chocolate all over it."Whats your name"I say, "Logan the boy says"."What did you get me"Logan asked,"Look in side"I say.He looks inside its a dog, the Logan Jumps for Joy.When I turn I see a boy with a sweater on when its 93 degrees right now, I just shrugged and walked away.

Anonymous said...

I swiftly walked up the slippery stairs. It seemed that I had been waiting in line for a long period of time. The line for shorter and shorter then suddenly I froze it was MY turn I was panic stricken. I stuck my foot in the freezing water and inhaled deeply through my nose, it smelled like a dirty shower room. Then I screamed the water slide was pitch black I went down a huge drop that was a a black as a Halloween black cat. It opened into this strange thing that looked like a toilet bull. I started swirling and swirling around which seemed to go on forever then I made my way to this drop that had 10 feet of water in it, I dropped in and was gasping for air. Then finally I went up the steps signing with relief it's finally over:) my dad asked " how it went?" I said you don't wanna know.

-Callie Dik

Anonymous said...

As the orange and blue light came out of the metal cylinder, I felt my smile grow like a tree. When the flame hit the remains of a tree a small fire started. I smelt smoke as soon as the flame grew large. I looked around and saw light sparkling from my family's eyes. I heard a pop and then there was a soft white marshmallow in my hand. Then there was a crunch as my cousin ate his s'more. I didn't see his roast it. He was as fast as a cat jumping out of water. Then almost as I time traveled, a burnt marshmallow was between two graham crackers was in my hand. I shoved it in my mouth and it exploded. The sweetness invaded my castle of taste buds as I leaned back in my chair
-Mickey Morrow

Anonymous said...

All of the sudden I was hit. It was like an overwhelming stampede, I got hit over and over. Then all of a sudden it stopped. I disappeared into the salty water. Nothing. No sight. No sound. No feelings. Nothing. It felt like minutes, maybe even hours. Just stuck, getting twisted and turned deeper into the black abyss.

~Hannah O'Connell~

Anonymous said...

Excitement rushed through my veins like a Nascar speeding down a race track. On this warm summer day I would do it. I would ride the red monster that I had been waiting to ride for a monumental amount of time. My red and white Nike shoes picked up off the ground in an attempt to move my body even closer to the ride I had been waiting to go on for countless hours. I was getting excited, yet at the same time I was getting nervous. Why on Earth was I getting nervous? I had conquered it before. It wasn't like I was getting my passport and moving to a new land, I was going on a thrill ride in an amusement park in Orlando Florida. There is a gigantic difference. The distinct smell of the metal side rails and tracks consumed the air, as well as the smells of the hot rubber wheels of the carts and thousands of people from all around the globe. I kept moving through the line until I was up the stairs, and there was a straightaway of only ten yards between me and the attraction. Suddenly I could see the beast, shooting you straight up like the liftoff of the Apollo 13 rocket. Five men and women cleared the line and it was finally my turn. So I lifted up my foot and placed it in the cherry red roller coaster cart. It's finally time! -Robbie Nash

Anonymous said...

I walked three steps on the metal board, that thousands of footsteps had tread upon. My anticipation was rising, but it was also the blazing hot sun that had made me sticky. I had taken a big step into the black depth of the one foot seat. The lap bar had quickly landed upon my thighs, comfortably. Everyone had boarded the long green monster, so the conductor gave a thumbs up all around to go. Suddenly I jerked forward trailing up towards the sky. The only thing I was focused on at that moment was the fear of that turn into the abyss.

-Genevieve Farr

Anonymous said...

“ Burr, this water is bitter cold “. I shout to Jess as were running into the crystal blue ocean water. As we were swimming around I could feel my cold raw feet getting numb. I'm looking at the crowd of people on the beach and not paying attention to the things happening behind me. A tremendous wave which had a massive impact hits me off my feet. The wave felt like a big boulder just hit me. I fell and hit my head on the packed down sand beneath the water. I felt really dizzy and my head was throbbing with pain.

- Elisa menard

Anonymous said...

I paddle out diving under the crashing waves. I find the perfect spot and patiently wait with anxious anticipation. I can feel the blazing sun heating up my skin. In the distance I see sapphire ripples forming as one distinguishes itself coming closer and closer and becoming larger and larger with each moment. A nervous excitement runs through me as I begin to paddle. In one swift movement I position myself onto the board. My arms react automatically moving rhythmically. My body is filled with adrenaline and I can taste the salt as the sea gushes into my mouth. My board slices through the waves like a knife through warm butter. I quickly sense when the time is right and strategically place one leg on the back of the board, and the other in the front. As I stand up I can see families in front of me and kids splashing all around. The color of umbrellas come closer as I get closer to the shore. Before I realize it my legs start to shake and everything goes silent, sand fills my bathing suit and the sea engulfs me in one huge wave.

~Haley Lewenczuk

Anonymous said...

It was a bright and beautiful day with only a few white fluffy clouds in the sky. I was as happy as a clam when I got out of the ruby red car and stepped onto the hot sand. The sand was a beige blanket filled with seagulls and shells. The sun was so hot that I melted so I went towards the shimmering water. As I got closer to the water I could hear the screeching of the annoying seagulls and the rumbling of the waves. After I was in the navy blue water for a while a malicious crab was out to get me. The crab was smiling as it ripped open my toe. After the great day at the beach, besides the crab and the taste of saltwater in my mouth, I had to go home.

Haley Wyser

Anonymous said...

My hands sweaty, I think my head is spinning. Repeatedly asking myself if I should go through with this, the hill is pretty steep, I can hear the children screaming as they make their way down the slippery slide. Finally it's my turn, as I step into the log shaped cart it shakes. The handles are wet and as I sit down, so is the seat, I start being pulled up the slope very slowly. The cart jerks, almost as if the machines arms are getting tired. I look to my side and see the ground below slowly inching away as I make my way to the blissful night sky. As I reach the top so many jumbled thoughts racing through my head; fear, excitement, nervousness.... As the cart comes to a sudden stop, my heart has dropped down to my stomach; I look to my front and see I have reached the top of the giant hill. The speed increases by the second, wind is blowing through my hair as I race down the hill. Excitement rushes through me like the water in a river. Before I knew it, the adventure was over, leaving my head spinning the way I had never imagined. I climb out of my seat, legs shaking. Mysteriously this leaves me wanting more excitement

-Alexus LeBlanc

Anonymous said...

As I raced down the wild beast I could feel the frosty air blowing on my body. The sky was greyer than a wolf. I could taste it, taste the fascinating snow that falls down so peacefully. I could see my friend in front of me, zooming down the icy patch of snow. Right then I saw it, I knew that I should take that jump. It was almost like the jump was calling my name, telling me to go on it. On the outside I knew that I was going to take it but on the inside I wasn’t so sure. The jump was now a couple feet away from me; I took it and went flying, it felt like I was on top of the world. Right when my snowboard left the ground I knew that I was in the wrong position. I was going to fall. I hit the ground with a thud and started sliding down the beast. My friend was laughing hysterically while I was lying there in pain.

~Lauren Blomgren~

Anonymous said...

Thirty minutes down, approximately two to go. It felt like we were eternally stuck in line. Looking around, you could see both the plain terror/excitement mixture and the false smiles attempting to mask it. "Next!!" Finally it was my turn. As I stepped onto the aged, rickety platform to be swallowed into the enormous "harness chair," my stomach churns as if I'm in a speeding elevator. "All set!!" Just moments later there was a slight click, a fierce jerk forward, and I begin to ascend. As I go up, my heart explodes like a firework. You could almost smell the panic. Also, the harness was so massive that the only thing you could see was what was in front of you. And right then, the only thing I could see was the sky. Then, instantaneously, down I went, my mouth locked shut, the key nowhere to be found.
-Lauren Ruggiero

Anonymous said...

As I wait in line I shiver with anxiety and fear. I would soon be traveling so fast I wouldn't be able to hear myself think. I enter the squeaky clean, shining purple cart. The cart looks like a devil, for it is just gazing at me enter his domain. We strap our safety belts, for I can hear my fellow passengers regrets as the announcer greets us on the ride. With a friend by my side, we lift off into the clouds. I don't know what awaits me, for I am floating right through an endless labyrinth. We clench our bodies in anticipation as our heads face towards the heavens. Suddenly, we bolt downwards with a jerk. The gusting winds blow right across my face. Instead of the sorrowful regrets of the riders, I can hear the thankful cheers of the party. Loops, corkscrews, and many drops occur in our travel. Everyone on the cart screams in joy, with their arms raised up high. As we stop, we can say that the hawk found the prey.
-Sam Seminatore

Olivia LeBlanc said...

I took one step and felt the brisk water run past my ankles. My feet sunk down into the deep oatmeal that lay beneath me. I hear screeches and see little kids building sand scrapers that reached out to the sky. In the water around me while all this commotion and tussle was happening, i didn’t realize the colossal barricade that came creeping heavily towards me. All the screams and fear trembled inside me, my inside was screaming and my outside trapped, I was being whipped around. The oatmeal was all in between my teeth and the salt burning my eyes i was at my breaking point. I took one big gulp of water and began to choke. As if life couldn’t get any worse another wave came, with no time to spare and no ability to save myself from another blow, i simply let it crash, let it all crash down.

Anonymous said...

"446 flood pass" I was the right end I had to do a flag route I have to go 10 yards up the field and slant to the right looking for the ball. "Down ready set one" the play had started I get bumped at the line of scrimmage I started running off balance then I regain my balance the quarter back sees me. He throws it to me it was a little bit behind me so I reach back to catch it and I run for about 20 yards and I get tackled by the safety at around the fifty yard line every one was cheering and I was upset and proud at the same time. I was upset because I got tackled but proud because I got my fist catch.

-Adam Richard Halagon Hill

Anonymous said...

This summer I went camping in Pawtuckaway State Park in New Hampshire. I was there with my friends, we could hear the pitter-patter of the water in the nearby stream. For a game, we tried to not fall into the little stream. You can smell the fresh clean water and see the animals. The water is so clear it is a greenish-blue and looks like a clear piece of glass. The rocks in the water are covered with a slick green moss. The green moss is the same color as spinach. The moss makes the rocks slippery. When we walk across the moss covered rocks it is like walking across an ice rink wearing only shoes and not ice skates. In the distance you can hear the fires crackling at the campsites. The fires glow in bright oranges and yellows and brighten the dark skies. You can also see the marshmallow moon glimmering in the sky. The moon reminds me of a giant white marshmallow that I would roast on a campfire. The light from the moon helps guide us as we walk across the stream. As the water trickled across the rocks it almost sounded like the rocks were saying, “don’t step on me you might slip.”
Connor Anderson

Hunter Yourk said...

The engines were roaring like a lion, as I strapped myself in for a long ride ahead. The plane started to shake, as it swiftly started moving down the runway. It accelerated onward at supersonic speeds as the countdown had commenced…5…4…3…2…1…”we have take-off”! The altitude increased and we shot upward, like a rocket sent to go to Mars. I looked out the window and saw the Earth shrink in my eye until I was swallowed by the white mist of the clouds, and all I saw was the intense golden beams of the sun. We had finally reached the peak of our adventure, at 33,000 feet above ground.

Anonymous said...

"Let's go Nathalie, you can do this!" Scott screamed. I was so shaky, I was on my last event. All the pressure was making me very apprehensive. The worst was my team, they cheered so loudly I felt like they were one gigantic lion roaring at me to go as fast as possible. The butterflies in my stomach were threatening to come out in a wreck. As I realized that the announcer just called my heat up I started gathering up all my strength I had left in me. "Take your mark!" This is it my last event, the moment I've been looking for this whole day. "BING" So without any hesitation I let the pool swallow me whole.

-Nathalie V.

Anonymous said...

I felt a rush of adrenaline and excitement, and I swam through the roaring waves as they enveloped me in a hug I hadn't asked for. I went faster and faster, my arms swinging wildly in front of me as I approached my destination. I placed my hands into the mushy earth, pulling myself out of the warm water into the frigid air. I pulled myself to my feet, squinting and shaking as a cold breeze swept across me, dropping goosebumps onto my wet skin as it passed. My teeth chattered as I slowly stepped across the prickly grass, feeling as if a million tiny needles were poking into my feet, until I approached the clearing. I squinted into the bright, baby blue sky, clouds fluttered around the orb of light that radiated onto my skin. I focused my attention back on my task, as I built up my courage enough...and I leaped into the air! I felt the same rush of adrenaline from before as I closed my eyes and landed in the watery blanket the ocean had offered me. My head popped up into the brisk air, and I held my excitement inside, like a safe waiting to be opened

-Kelli Livingstone

Anonymous said...

It was a amazing day to go in the most scariest ride of my life. The line was long but it must be done. If I didn't go on the ride I'd be a chicken, and I can't have that In my reputation. As I was nearing the end of the line I smelled the chlorine water hitting me in the face like a great boxer. Boom! Boom! Pow! It was the highest ride length wise, not so much width. The lady asked me to get in the death trap. She let me take a couple minutes to think about my life, just i case something happened. The count down began."5". The pressure was getting to me as my body jolted like crazy in the minuscule tube."4". I felt as if triton was there laughing like I was in a chamber, hopeless for any help."3". Tritons Twist grew and grew like a magical beanstalk."2". Everybody around the terrifying black hole was getting quieter...and quieter...and quieter."1" I knew this was my last breath on the planet Earth."0". WOOSH, and I was off.
The floor fell and I was a gone. Faster then the super hero Flash, I went up and down, side to side. The water bashing and smash my face, My stomach felt like it was out of place, my feet felt like they were lost in time. Then Boom! I hit rock bottom and noticed it was all right. No demons, no darkness, and no skeletons, but my caring and loving friends cheering me on as I passed them in the tube. I stood up and felt like I could reach the sun.

Sean Keohan :)

Anonymous said...

At 10 p.m. as the night turned to darkness the Infected Game began. My cousin Kevin was the seeker. 3, 2, 1...Go! I knew exactly where I wanted to hide. With only the street lamp to guide my way, I crawled silently behind the dumpster. The foul trash smelled like a skunk. I pinched my nose and tried not to gag. As someone approached, I hugged the bush. The leaves felt like arms entangling me as I pushed farther in. The footsteps were so light that they were almost impossible to hear. I held my breath. Kevin walked slowly and I could see his reflection in the antique 1972 Airstream, like looking in a mirror. Like National Geographic, I was feeling much like a zebra with Kevin as the lion, predator versus prey. I made my bold move as the backyard became our open prairie. Footsteps gained with every step... thump, thump, thump. I ran straight toward the enormous pine tree and began to climb. Could I make it out alive or would I be infected? -Ryan J

Anonymous said...

I sit staring out, in front of me water pours down, like tears. Slowly the sun peaks out from behind the clouds, causing a cascade of shimmering laughter to fall. In the pond fish swim, darting back and forth as if they were trying to avoid the glimmering water plunging downward into their home. Time seems frozen to me as I watch the fish. When I look up again, the once vibrant yellow sun is now a brilliant pink and orange watercolor painted across the sky. We turn to leave; the moon is shoving the sun down into darkness. Climbing down the slippery slope that leads to the rock pathway, I know I will have to be carful the rocks are a trap, wanting to pull me into the depths of the frigid water below, and one wrong move means the rocks will send me backwards. From the depths of the woods I hear a snap, I know it was a tree but I jump anyways. Arms flailing I am thrown backwards into the icy water.

-Calliope Mendoza

Lucas Yourk said...

It seemed like years on the long, endless roads. I was starting to wonder if we were going to get there in my lifetime. Once we stopped for food, I thought we were very close, but we were only half way there. My heart sunk like the sun setting into the darkness. Once we were back on the road, I decided to rest a little. Once I woke, I thought we still had another 4 hours but we were already there, unloading our bags. Finally, the trip was over.

Anonymous said...

Hurriedly I strap myself inside like an animal in a cage. Around me, people whisper excitedly and children giggle uncontrollably.Then the beast starts swaying and spinning and the smell of vomit infiltrates my mouth and nose. Suddenly my brain starts pounding against my temples. I sit there in agony waiting for the whole thing to be over as waves of nausea and dizziness hit me. Then the beast halts to a stop and my sweaty hands eagerly let go of the bars. I free myself from the monster's hands and run into the safety of the outside.
Dairis Feliz

Anonymous said...

I stand breathing heavily on the edge of the mat as my body shivers and my thoughts squirm. I stand on my tiptoes, swing my arms and hurdle building up power like it's all I have left. I have to hit this pass, its worlds and if I don't, we will get deductions and will never win. I imagine myself in practice doing it over and over again, perfectly and power through my roundoff back handspring. I swing my arms with extreme momentum and fly into a whip. Next is my double. I feel like everything swooshes into slow motion and I'm soaring, slicing through the air like an eagle. Speed returns to normal and I reach to the clouds. I throw my arms around my right hip and my head turns to my shoulder. I twist as hard and fast as I can. This. Is. It. I stick the landing just as I imagined. I knew I could do it. I punch the air and turn around in celebra- BANG! I feel a body crash into me. The other girl and I topple off the mat. I open my eyes. I'm suffocating choking on air. As I sit up, I relax, breath and realized it was all just a dream.

~Emma Marinchev

Anonymous said...

I awoke to the crisp morning air, lying on the winter frozen ground near the lakeside. Looking around at the beautiful scene around me, I saw the sun rising above the skyline and starting to make the sky blood red, the ducks swimming in the pond blue sky. The glazed beady red eyes of a fox stood out on the other side of the cold, winter blue lake.
I stared in awe as a whole heard of caramel colored deer came running from across the lake to the large hoard of black berry bushes. While in the middle of the lake a beaver brought a log to its lodge. A majestic eagle flew in the sky looking for a meaty lunch; it was mornings like this that didn’t make me miss the city at all.
-Michael T.

Anonymous said...

The angry sneaky team that we played a year ago one of the kids, number 5, broke by arm so I was looking for him on the team. I found him and he was as big as a bus so I said to myself that I need to get him down! In the 4th quarter with 5 seconds on the clock we were winning by a point and there at the 3 yard line I hear the other team's coach say, "Number 5 get out there at running back!" I said you are going down.
-Will T.

Anonymous said...

I stood there waiting and waiting, the line behind me was growing like the rage, which was trapped inside my soul. My heart was thumping to the beat of the drums, thump thump thump thump. Standing there I was focused on what was around me, children laughing and playing, couples talking and hugging, and then there was me; silently perched upon the railing. Suddenly I was shoved forward from someone behind, impatient people all around me. Looking in front of me I saw the massive, monstrous structure bolted down beneath me. I froze with uncontrollable terror which had branched over me. Then I knew it was my turn. There I sat, petrified, the solid from bar was compacted against my rattling chest. We shifted forward going upward towards the sky. The fear was here.

-Olivia Farr

Anonymous said...

As I slowly reel in the beast,I get a glimpse of its fiery red eyes,eyes of
one that has seen what no other has,or at least should have.Slowly
advancing on me as if I am a cow in the slaughter house the beast gains
ground.I use my own eyes to imagine myself,"I am a needle in a haystack
nothing to worry about." But its not like that.The thump in my head dies
down along with the remains of my soul.Adrenaline rushing out like the
water at the bottom of a water slide. It feels like my killer is getting
stronger but only to be me getting weaker.

-Riley G

Anonymous said...

Fast, faster, too fast! Rocks are not our friends or allies. Crash and burn, ouch!, scrape. Red hot juice from my skin goes all over the pavement. As I get up limping I see blood coming from my knee. Sitting down on a small but wide granite stair, I stare at my knee in pain, then smile thinking how bad it could've been. A few minutes pass and I hear the thing that caused this to happen roll down the hill. I then forget about the stinging pain and run after it. After I snapped it into my hand I start rolling home along the sidewalk. As I go I see the blood on the ground and stop. I stare and observe it, and then I feel the sting and then goes away, as do I.

-Jacob Lison

Anonymous said...

Three, the sound blinds your hearing. Two, your body quavers from the voilent movement. One, the turbulent screech sheiking in your drums, the speed battering you back in your seat. But finaly you see the finish line.

-Joey D

Anonymous said...

Dew covered leaves in the dark woods near the lake. Walking towards the lake, the water glistened as the sun was just starting to wake up. I saw a deer gulping from the lake, then he raced off into the misty woods.

Ryan M

Anonymous said...

I woke up to my mom yelling at me.
It was 10:17 in the morning and my mom was now screaming at me and my sister to get ready. I reliezed that today we were going to York Beach Maine. I wasn't really excited because we go ther almost every year. I went upstairs where it was as hot as the Sahara Desert. I got dresses and went down stairs, my mom had already packed every thing and before I knew it we were already there.with no wifi at the place there was very little to do. It took all day to unpack, so the next day we went to the beach where the sand burned my feet and the water gave my feet frostbite. I went far in the water on my rented paddle board. The water smelt like burning salt it was like I could taste the salt in my mouth. The only time it was quiet was when I was far out in the water where pedestrians looked like ants sworming a sandwich that a little kid had dropped. As the sun was being swallowed by the darkness of the night I went back to shore, dried myself, put back the paddle board and started my way back to the cabin like house. After an hour of nothing it was pitch dark out except for the outdoor lights of houses, we started to walk down to the beach to get ice cream even though it was about 50 degrees out and the ice cream place was on the other side of the beach and when we got back I felt like a lion on a hot day VERY SLEEPY and fell right to sleep.


Anonymous said...

As we approached the motorized monster I could feel my body starting to build up with thrill yet fear. Out there it was just so intimidating, dark blue water seeming it would never end. As I stepped onto the yellow, white, and black wave runner, I second guessed myself several times. It's not that I was necessarily scared of the vehicle but the fact that my dad let me go on concerned me. As I saw my five-year-old cousin leap off into the water with excitement and beg to go on again, I jumped on feeling like a baby not wanting to ride. I finally saw the blue beast with welcoming arms.
-Hadleigh B.

Anonymous said...

It was twelve o'clock and all we could see was the orange blaze behind us and the black water engulfing our feet as we waded into the rock bound lake. The water was frigid because the vivid sun had plunged into the pine tree hours ago. The water was as smooth as a pebble smoothed by the waves. The only movement was the crayfish roaming the lakeshore. The trees seemed to sway in the light wind almost in a dance. Then I submerged under the frigid water.
-Steven M.

Anonymous said...

The dark twilight sky was above me. I could hear loud claps of thunder. The smell of dead was invigorating. The sky light up ferociously with lighting. I heard a ear perusing screech of thunder. I take a step fowed a flash of light as bright as the sun hit the ground. My heart skipped a beat and exploded in to a million pieces. I ternd around and ran as fast as a person who lite thar pants on fire back to my hose. From that day fowed I won't play in the rane.

Colby deming

Anonymous said...

1 step closer to the terrifying plunge into the abyss below. The black tunnel awaits in front of us my stomach feels like I ate a ton of rocks. All I can here is is people.... Laughing,bickering, but you know they have the same feeling as you. "1 step closer 1 step closer" repeates in my head, then the people in front of us hop on this massive orange circle. The light turns green and u can here the screams echoing threw the black tunnel. I see the man pull another orange circle out of the rotating devise and sets it ubruptely on the running water. With his foot on the germ filled tube he gestures to come here and we do. We sit in the raft waiting....than out of the corner of my eye I see the light turn green. Clenching my hand tight around the plastic clear handles that are no longer clear closing my eyes so tight they start to water smelling the sour cloreen odor we go, disappearing into the darkness.
~Hannah Robuccio

Anonymous said...

As I skip through the sand I feel a tingling fair that I've never had before. THat wave crashed like a person jumping off the cliff into the water. And made so many people drowned. The lifeguard started sprinting in grabbing as many kids and adults as they can possibly hold They started dashing in a stampede towards me so I galloped along. Most people tried to get away from the big wave but it crashed on them more. The smart adults try to protect their kids but it didn't work. The lifeguards are all dripping thle when you just get out of the shower. The people watching are petrified. The wave was so big that it came up the shore. Everyone was found safe and sound. ~ Bella M